
order online

Fill in the details below and we will be in contact with 24 hours, or if you have a question call us on (02) 9416 5469

  • Please Note:

    * No medication will be dispensed for you until a copy of your prescription has been received.

    * Our pharmacy will hold any repeats the doctor has ordered for you on our files. When you start to run low of your medication you can reorder the next repeat by phone, fax, internet or e-mail.

    * Once all repeats have been used a new prescription will be required, by law, for any further orders. The label on your dispensed prescription will indicate the number of repeats remaining on our files. Once it indicates “nil repeats” it is time to arrange another prescription with your doctor. Any new prescriptions may be sent to us where it will be kept on file until we are instructed to make up the next order.